Khulud Durri

Khulud Durri

What if being different wasn’t wrong?

If you acknowledge your capacities? what would your life be like?

My entire life I’ve been aware that I am different, I knew I had powers that hadn’t surfaced in this reality. I couldn’t bring out these powers or use them. I couldn’t find people like me or with similar thoughts which made me feel so different and so wrong.

And although I have researched and studied in many schools, I couldn’t find my true self until I found access in 2019 which started a beautiful change in my life, I even moved to a different country, I’m exploring myself more, going through life’s adventures while creating more money, more joy and more happiness.

My name is Khulud, and I chose to be in Access to facilitate and contribute for others to become aware of their true selves, their powers and to create a reality beyond this reality with ease.

Access has been a gift to me, I love being able to be that gift for others 🤩

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